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Physiotherapy VITALplus
Medical Center Greifswald-Schönwalde

Passive Phsio

Careful mobilization in the case of restricted mobility of individual joints or painful parts of the body is absolutely necessary. With a lot of sensitivity and physiological knowledge, our physiotherapists slowly build up mobility again. We draw from a wide range of treatments and select the most suitable methods for you. We work in a structured manner according to the individually developed therapy concept and take the time that is needed for you. After surgical interventions, mobility exercises enable faster recovery. Together we activate the self-healing powers of your body in physiotherapy and enable pain relief.


Back pain or excessive strain often lead to limited mobility. We get to the bottom of the causes of movement deficits and develop your personal therapy and training concept. A prerequisite for healthy, pain-free movement sequences is a balanced and functionally working musculature, which gives you and your postural and musculoskeletal system stability and tension. In our physiotherapeutic treatment, we promote your natural movement patterns based on biomechanical aspects.


If you are unable to leave the apartment due to your state of health, for example because you have to lie down shortly after an operation, the therapist will also come to you. These home visits are possible if your doctor notes this on the prescription. 

Increasing workload, stress and a bad working atmosphere have a negative effect on your health and work performance. A lack of motivation and time prevent regular check-ups and treatments from a physiotherapist. As part of our BGF or BGM concept, our therapists come to your workplace and treat or train you directly without any extra detours. We would be happy to advise you and your company personally on site. 

physical therapy
VITALplus Greifswald
cf physio Greifswald GmbH
Managing Director: Stefan Blank
Ernst-Thälmann-Ring 56a
17491 Greifswald
Telephone: 03834-8383814
physical therapy
VITALplus Rostock
cf physio Greifswald GmbH
Managing Director: Stefan Blank
Salvador Allende Street
2818147 Rostock
Telephone: 0381-36767803
Physiotherapie VITALplus Greifswald
cf physio Greifswald GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Blank
Walther-Rathenau-Str. 34
17489 Greifswald
Telefon: 03834-4399005
physical therapy
VITALplus Greifswald
cf physio Greifswald GmbH
Managing Director: Stefan Blank
Ernst-Thälmann-Ring 66
17491 Greifswald
Telephone: 03834-814030
physical therapy
VITAL plus Wismar
blank personal training
Owner: Stefan Blank
Dankwartstrasse 3
23966 Wismar
Telephone: 03841-2235636
therapy center
VITALplus Greifswald
cf physio Greifswald GmbH
Managing Director: Stefan Blank
Kooser way 1
17493 Greifswald
Telephone: 03834-8868872
Physiotherapie  VITALplus Schwerin
Lübecker Str. 117 (Ecke Obotritenring)
19059 Schwerin

Telefon:  0385 - 71 57 69
cf physio Greifswald GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Blank
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